32 Simple Ways to Celebrate

32 Simple Ways to Celebrate

We like to celebrate. But do we celebrate enough? We celebrate the big stuff – promotions, engagements, project completions, new houses – but what about all the other things along the way? The truth is that it is the other stuff that leads us to these big moments....
What’s Your Goal Setting Personality?

What’s Your Goal Setting Personality?

If you’ve ever struggled with reaching a goal, did it feel like this? Were you so drained from life that you had no energy left for your goal? Was it something you ‘should’ be doing – rather than something you want to be doing? Were you struggling to feel motivated?...
Why Mindset Matters

Why Mindset Matters

Your mindset is the attitude and the beliefs that influence how you approach and handle any given situation. Your mindset will drive your decisions, actions, and responses. It acts as a filter through which you see the world; helping you to sort through and understand...
Understanding the Cycle of Change

Understanding the Cycle of Change

Have you ever started a new project, a goal, or some kind of change with great enthusiasm? What happened next? Whenever we go through a period of change we experience a similar cycle. This is referred to as The Cycle of Change. Through understanding this cycle, you...
Creating an Action Plan That Works

Creating an Action Plan That Works

Results come from two things: focus and action. How many goals have you set this year? How many changes have you considered making? Of these, how many have you seen through? A goal without action is just an idea. So, how do we take a goal and turn it into a reality?...

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