If you’ve ever struggled with reaching a goal, did it feel like this?

  • Were you so drained from life that you had no energy left for your goal?
  • Was it something you ‘should’ be doing – rather than something you want to be doing?
  • Were you struggling to feel motivated?
  • Or maybe it was too overwhelming figuring out which steps to take?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the statements above… you have been going about your goal in a way that doesn’t suit you.

No wonder you’ve found it hard!

I’m all about making life easy. Especially goals.

So, in this post, you’re going to learn why those struggles came up in the first place, and how to make working toward your goal easier based on your unique goal setting personality.

Your goal setting personality is broken down into 4 parts:

  1. Energy (how you recharge & drain your batteries)
  2. Motivation (what keeps you excited about your goal)
  3. Passion (what drives your goal)
  4. Planning Style (how to reach your goal)

Once you understand your goal setting personality type, you’ll find it so much easier to reach your goal!

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1. Understanding your energy source

The first element of personality you need to understand is your energy source.
Because this is what allows the following steps to flourish, as it sets the foundation to understanding how you operate.

Understanding how your energy is depleted and replenished is, as you can imagine, incredibly helpful!

Most people know whether they’re an introvert or extrovert – but did you know that this relates to how you use, store and replenish your energy levels?

In short, Extroverts recharge their batteries by socialising. They like to talk to process their thoughts and ideas. They think out loud. Their energy levels begin to deplete when they haven’t talked in a while.

Whereas Introverts prefer quiet time to process their thoughts deeply. They enjoy solitude and the process of analysis. Their energy is depleted by socialising which is why their batteries need to recharge in a quiet and reflective manner.

Is your energy type Extroverted or Introverted?

The EXTROVERT Energy Type

If you’re an Extrovert, you process things by talking about them. You ‘think’ with your voice. Your goal setting process is talking about it and sharing it with those around you. It’s helpful to find someone to talk about your goal with, or use an outlet, like a vlog.

It’s important for Extroverts to put their goals in writing. This gives you something to refer to as you can talk quickly and forget the finer details.

  • Talk about your goal to process and think it through
  • Write details down so you don’t get muddled up
  • Find someone, or an outlet, to talk through your goal
The INTROVERT Energy Type

If you’re Introverted, you’re likely to approach your goals in a reflective manner. Meaning that you need time to reflect and think about your goals. Allowing yourself quiet time in your goal setting process will help you to think your goal through thoroughly.

Unlike Extroverts, Introverts often feel drained while socialising. They’re deep thinkers that require downtime or a hobby they’re passionate about to focus on and unwind.

  • Allow yourself quiet time to think your goal through
  • Give yourself time to reflect on your goal process frequently
  • Remember to take downtime to recharge your batteries

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2. Discovering your source of motivation

The second aspect of personality is motivation.
This is important because this is where your motivation stems from.

Knowing where your motivation lies means that you know how to activate it.
If you’re having a hard time getting motivated, check to see if your needs are being met.

You may thrive on the pie in the sky idea (like me), or you might prefer the practicality of your goal.

If the pie in the sky fuels your drive and you’ve hit a block in the road – are you imagining yourself struggling or having a bad time reaching your goal? Because that type of imagery will only inspire you to procrastinate and give up.

Instead, imagine how you’d look and feel having reached your goal.
Ask yourself ‘how will reaching my goal change my life?’ Imagine your ideal goal in great detail. Write it, draw it, talk it – whatever your style, use it to visualise how you want to be.

If you’re more of a practical type, who needs to see progress and physical change – then make sure you’ve set up a way of measuring your progress.

And if you have but you’re lacking in the motivation department, compare your progress. Look at how far you’ve come compared to when you first started.

Is your motivation Practical or Thoughtful?

The PRACTICAL Motivation Type

If you’re practical, you like to set goals that are simple and attainable. Your goal setting style is incredibly practical. You should create goals that you know are attainable, as there is enough challenge for you to feel inspired and motivated, but not so much that you get overwhelmed by it.

Practical people can often focus too much on the smaller details and can miss the bigger picture. They need to know what the end goal accomplishment will be before they even start setting the goal. They must also be able to see that there is some evidence to suggest that their goal is reachable.

  • Set your goals to be a challenge, but not too much that it feels overwhelming
  • You tend to focus on the small details but don’t forget about the bigger picture
  • Create a way for you to measure your goal’s progress
The THOUGHTFUL Motivation Type

If you’re more Thoughtful, you prefer to focus on the bigger picture or the end goal. It’s not really your style to bother with the small steps that it takes to get you there. Because of this, you can often forget about the practical realities of your goal, which can land you in trouble if you’re not careful.

When a Thoughtful person sets their goal, it needs to be challenging and inspiring for them. Otherwise, they’ll find it hard to stay motivated with no inspiration driving them. It’s best if their goal is more of a broad idea rather than something quite detailed.

  • Make the goal challenging & inspiring to keep you motivated
  • Remember to keep your goal exciting but also achievable
  • Try to focus on the practical steps needed to reach your goal

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3. Understanding your passion

The third element of your goal setting personality to consider is passion.
This is what drives your goal. And if you haven’t got the right drive from the start, you’re going to have a hard time.

Often our passion comes from the wrong place. Usually to please other people, or to work towards something that we know we ‘should’ be doing (e.g. eating healthier and working out regularly).

But that type of passion just doesn’t have the same pull as if you were working on something that mattered to you.

And for some, a goal needs to stem from a logical idea, rather than an emotional desire.

This is where we come to the two Passion types, Sensitive and Rational.

These titles are not to imply that Sensitive types aren’t rational and that Rational types are not sensitive. Because they are. It’s about where that initial source of motivation comes from.

Is your passion source Rational or Sensitive?

The RATIONAL Passion Source

If you’re a Rational type, you like to think about every little detail when planning out your goals. You like to have a well-refined version of your goal in mind before approaching it. You can spend quite a long time perfecting your plan and refining your thoughts on how to best achieve your goal.

People with the Rational trait are driven by the what and how of the goal. What will come from achieving this goal? And how will they make it happen? Rational types are often very committed to seeing out their goals.

  • Allow plenty of time for thinking as you’ll want to plan every detail
  • Think about the what and the how that will drive your goal
  • Remember that sensitive types use their gut feeling to make a decision
The SENSITIVE Passion Source

If you have the sensitive trait, you’re often very considerate of other’s feelings and have a strong desire to make a difference in the world. Your goals can often reflect other’s needs rather than your own. You want the best for everyone.

Sensitive types need to be careful that they are setting their goals for themselves and not for someone else. Their goals need to align with their own wants and needs in order to be an achievable goal.

  • Be aware that you invest yourself into projects emotionally
  • Make sure the goals you’re setting are for you, not someone else
  • Rational types are a great resource if you feel overwhelmed

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4.Discovering your planning style

The last aspect of personality to consider is your planning style.

Because there’s always more than one way to skin a cat – and not every way will suit everybody!
Some people flourish with a fleshed-out to-do list, while others are quite happy to wing it.

When it comes to planning, you may use a method that someone taught you when you were young, or a method you’ve seen suggested in a magazine, or even a way your friend does it. But sometimes this can be quite restrictive, especially if it doesn’t align with your planning style.

The names are self-explanatory, but like the Passion types, it’s not to imply that Organised types are not flexible, and that Flexible types aren’t organised. Because they certainly both can be. It boils down to who you are as an individual.

Is your planning style Flexible or Organised?

The ORGANISED Planning Style

If you’re an Organised type, you don’t need to work on setting a formal process for your goals, as it’s already a natural part of your personality to do so. Every day you’ll naturally create to-do lists and think of goals to work on for that day.

People with the organised trait like to have their goals clearly defined. Once their goal has been clearly detailed and outlined, they’ll be able to get started.

  • You’re a natural planner, enjoy setting your goals and milestones!
  • Have your goal clearly defined before you get started
  • Be open to alternative ways of achieving your goal
The FLEXIBLE Planning Style

If you have the flexible trait, you’ll like to develop your goals as you work on them. Your plans and ideas will often change frequently before you reach your goal. You tend to find new goals and pathways while working towards a goal.

Even though setting goals are important to flexible types, they often treat their goals as a general guideline that’s open to change at any time. As their title suggests, they’re quite flexible with how they approach their goals.

  • Your goal setting method is an ongoing, fluid process
  • Be careful with procrastinating. Make sure you aren’t putting things off!
  • Your style can be just as successful as a finely detailed plan

Ready to get started?

If you come to a roadblock along your path, look at why you ended up there. It may not be working for you because it’s not aligned with your goal setting personality type.

Acknowledge your energy levels.
Are you needing to recharge your batteries before you make a start?

What about your motivation source?
Is it still a powerful point of motivation for you?

Your passion, is it still at the base of what you’re aiming to achieve?

And your planning style, are you working in a way that suits you?

The more you practice your new way of doing things, it’ll become easier to do.
Before long it will become an automatic habit.

You will even start to see positive changes in other areas of your life because you’ve found a different way to attack your hurdles.

When it comes to goal setting, your personality matters. How you work, process, and interpret things may not be the same as everyone else. And this is ok. Just focus on you and how you do it best.

That’s the key to your goal’s success.


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About Stephi | Ninety Days

Stephi started Ninety Days because she was tired of all the vague fluff out there on goal setting. Her new 90 Day Goal Planner has helped hundreds of women around the world reach their goals, quickly and easily.


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