How to Set Effective Goals

How to Set Effective Goals

The new year can provide a wonderful opportunity to first review where we are (check this out if you need some tips to get you started), and then create some direction and clarity in where we are going. A new year can bring renewed enthusiasm and a fresh perspective....
7 Simple Ways To Be More Present

7 Simple Ways To Be More Present

7 Simple Ways To Be More Present (And Why You Should)   Have you ever rushed off to run urgent errands only to realize that you left your wallet at home? Lost your keys only to find them in your hand? Have you ever planned a social function and been too busy to...
A Compelling Reason To Do Less With Our Time

A Compelling Reason To Do Less With Our Time

I have a confession. I can be a workaholic, a perfectionist, and incredibly (frustratingly) incapable of accepting help most of the time. This does not just apply to work within a job either. These same traits come out in my role as a mother, with my social...

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