8 Surprising Benefits of Embracing Vulnerability

8 Surprising Benefits of Embracing Vulnerability

When we talk about vulnerability, it is often in a negative way. We associate vulnerability with emotions such as fear, shame, sadness. We think of isolation, disconnection, and exposure. But from vulnerability also stems love, courage, hope, compassion,...
13 Ways to Make Yourself a Priority

13 Ways to Make Yourself a Priority

How often do you find yourself saying “I don’t have time…” in regards to the things that are just for you? Do your needs often get pushed off the end of your to-do list? Take a moment to reflect on the last week. How many times did you do something just for you?...
Improve Your Decision Making with Six Hats

Improve Your Decision Making with Six Hats

You make countless decision every day. Each of these decisions has an outcome that impacts your life in some way. Some will impact your life in small ways, others big. The direction that you take comes down to your decision making ability. There are three steps to...

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