Understanding the Cycle of Change

Understanding the Cycle of Change

Have you ever started a new project, a goal, or some kind of change with great enthusiasm? What happened next? Whenever we go through a period of change we experience a similar cycle. This is referred to as The Cycle of Change. Through understanding this cycle, you...
Creating an Action Plan That Works

Creating an Action Plan That Works

Results come from two things: focus and action. How many goals have you set this year? How many changes have you considered making? Of these, how many have you seen through? A goal without action is just an idea. So, how do we take a goal and turn it into a reality?...
7 Ways to Find Your Focus

7 Ways to Find Your Focus

What do you do when you just can’t find your focus? The other day I was struggling. I had so much to do, but couldn’t make headway on any of it. My focus was all over the place. I would start one thing, then move on to another, then get distracted by something else....
Developing Your Self-care Plan

Developing Your Self-care Plan

Everyone agrees that self-care is important. Most of us are guilty of gently (or not gently) urging the people that we love to look after themselves, and then forgetting to follow our own advice. The problem is there is a vast difference between knowing something and...
Self-care for Your Whole Self

Self-care for Your Whole Self

How good is your self-care? If someone were to ask you “do you take care of yourself?” what would you say? Chances are you would probably say “Yes, of course!”. But imagine for a moment that you are someone that you care about. A good friend. And you are the one in...

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