The Reticular Activating System

The Reticular Activating System

Are you struggling with your mindset? Is your motivation lacking? Are you feeling stuck? Getting to know this one part of your brain can help you to make a small shift that has big impact. This part of your brain is called the Reticular Activating System, or RAS for...
Why Mindset Matters

Why Mindset Matters

Your mindset is the attitude and the beliefs that influence how you approach and handle any given situation. Your mindset will drive your decisions, actions, and responses. It acts as a filter through which you see the world; helping you to sort through and understand...
7 Ways to Find Your Focus

7 Ways to Find Your Focus

What do you do when you just can’t find your focus? The other day I was struggling. I had so much to do, but couldn’t make headway on any of it. My focus was all over the place. I would start one thing, then move on to another, then get distracted by something else....

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