7 Ways to Find Your Focus

7 Ways to Find Your Focus

What do you do when you just can’t find your focus? The other day I was struggling. I had so much to do, but couldn’t make headway on any of it. My focus was all over the place. I would start one thing, then move on to another, then get distracted by something else....
13 Ways to Make Yourself a Priority

13 Ways to Make Yourself a Priority

How often do you find yourself saying “I don’t have time…” in regards to the things that are just for you? Do your needs often get pushed off the end of your to-do list? Take a moment to reflect on the last week. How many times did you do something just for you?...
The Power of Aligned Action

The Power of Aligned Action

How often do you feel run-off-your-feet busy, yet simultaneous like you are never gaining traction on where you want to go? Taking action is important because, with no action, there are no results. However, the problem is when you get so focused on taking action that...
7 Simple Ways To Be More Present

7 Simple Ways To Be More Present

7 Simple Ways To Be More Present (And Why You Should)   Have you ever rushed off to run urgent errands only to realize that you left your wallet at home? Lost your keys only to find them in your hand? Have you ever planned a social function and been too busy to...
A Compelling Reason To Do Less With Our Time

A Compelling Reason To Do Less With Our Time

I have a confession. I can be a workaholic, a perfectionist, and incredibly (frustratingly) incapable of accepting help most of the time. This does not just apply to work within a job either. These same traits come out in my role as a mother, with my social...

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