What to do when you are feeling stuck

What to do when you are feeling stuck

Do you have a plan for when you are feeling stuck? It happens to all of us. Many of us, frequently! Especially if you are striving for change, big or small, in your life. The problem is, when you build your action plan, planning for these stuck times doesn’t often...
Self-care for Your Whole Self

Self-care for Your Whole Self

How good is your self-care? If someone were to ask you “do you take care of yourself?” what would you say? Chances are you would probably say “Yes, of course!”. But imagine for a moment that you are someone that you care about. A good friend. And you are the one in...
Improve Your Decision Making with Six Hats

Improve Your Decision Making with Six Hats

You make countless decision every day. Each of these decisions has an outcome that impacts your life in some way. Some will impact your life in small ways, others big. The direction that you take comes down to your decision making ability. There are three steps to...
The Power of Aligned Action

The Power of Aligned Action

How often do you feel run-off-your-feet busy, yet simultaneous like you are never gaining traction on where you want to go? Taking action is important because, with no action, there are no results. However, the problem is when you get so focused on taking action that...

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