Have you done a mid-year review? If the answer is ‘no’ I thoroughly recommend you do. A mid-year review can help you to stay on track with the direction you want to take, give you valuable insights moving forward. If you want to keep growing, developing, and progressing forward, then this is a fantastic exercise to complete.
Who is a mid-year review for?
Honestly, a mid-year review is for everyone.
If you are feeling…
… lost in your direction, then a mid-year review will give you greater clarity and focus.
… freaked out that we are already halfway through the year, then a mid-year review will give you renewed confidence and direction.
… like you are smashing your goals this year, then a mid-year review will help you get clear on what is helping you to succeed.
… defeated from the challenges you have faced, then a mid-year review will give you greater understanding in what you have experienced, and resource you for a smoother ride moving forward.
… like your year has been ticking along nicely, then a mid-year review will keep that momentum going and even crank it up a notch!
By taking the time to reflect and review your year so far, you gain valuable understanding in how your decisions, behaviours, and actions have been contributing to the life you want to see around you.
No time? Scroll straight to the bottom to download a handy worksheet with the full process, and you can complete your review in your own time.
1. Set yourself up
- Choose a time when you can commit to at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted time, and commit to it.
- Choose a quiet and comfortable environment.
- If possible, choose somewhere away from your typical environment e.g. a comfortable quiet nook in your favourite café, the library, a sunny bench at the local park…
- Ensure you have a pen and paper, your goals/focuses for the year, and any supporting material with you.
2. Looking back
What were your goals?
Write them down. Break them into different areas of your life, if useful. For example: personal, relationship, work, health, physical, family, personal development etc.
How have these goals changed?
Goals change over time. It is impossible to predict how things will pan out, and often life will send us in directions that weren’t expected. This is good to be aware of, and prepared for. Consider which goals are no longer relevant, and why? If a goal or direction is no longer serving you, then what refinements could be made?
Note: this is not the same as finding something challenging and giving up. Keep grounded is WHY you feel like this goal is no longer aligned with you and your direction.
What challenges have come up?
What led to these challenges? Outline the consequence of these challenges. Are there resources, support, or strategies that helped (or could have helped) in your dealing with these challenges?
What do you feel proud of?
Think about the past 6 months. Make a list of the things that make you feel proud. Consider each of your goals and the unexpected things that have come up. Make sure that you look beyond your results and progress.
What has fed your soul?
Looking back over the past 6 months, what are the things that have made you feel happy, inspired, grateful, motivated, or alive? These will be the things that are aligned with your core priorities and values.
What has depleted or drained you?
On a new sheet of paper, what are the things that have made you feel tired, frustrated, anxious or drained? Try not to spend too long on this. Simply jot what comes up for you and move on. These will be the things that are NOT aligned with your core priorities and values.
How have you felt overall?
Your energy? Emotions? Physically? Consider each area of your life if defined above. Pay attention to any patterns.
3. Looking forward
Find your focus areas
Use your answers above to identify two to three areas of your life that you would like to focus on in the next 6 months. You may have more areas that you would like to change, but consider where you will make the biggest impact.
What will your life look like in these areas at the end of the year? How will you feel?
Get clear on what success will look, sound, and feel like in your areas of focus. How will you feel? How will you recognise success?
What do you need to do to make this happen?
Identify your next 2-3 most important actions for each focus? What are the key steps along the way?
What is one thing standing in your way?
Drawing learning from the previous 6 months, and inspiration from the coming 6 months, what is the one thing that could prevent your success? What will you do to ensure this does not stand in your way?
Your theme or focus word
Pick a word or phrase that you would like to sum up your next 6 months. This will help keep you grounded and focused in your goals and direction. It should be something that guides you where you want to go when you are challenged, and is at the forefront when you are successful.
Next steps
If you haven’t already, set a time and date for your mid-year review. Commit to investing that time and energy in yourself and your life.
Use the prompts above, or download the handy resource below (it’s free, and can be used again and again).
Reflection and review should be a regular thing. You can follow this same process (or a trimmed down version of it) whenever you need to. In fact, I do a version of this every Sunday to review my week and set myself up for the next one. The printable resource below includes ideas on how you create a strong habit of review.
The more you can review your progress, the more you will build your momentum (and resources) to get there.